Legal notices

Find our legal notices below. In case of additional questions, do no hesitate to contact our support.


I. Identification

Company: Hoostr

Address: 26 rue des cultures, 14000 Caen, France

Business identification number: 97842979300018

II. Publication manager

III. Website publisher

Company: Hoostr

Address: 26 rue des cultures, 14000 Caen, France

Business identification number: 97842979300018

IV. Host

Company: Vercel


V. Intellectual property

Both the Website and the illustrative and presentation elements (Website structure, photography, videos, images, animated or not, text, brands, logos, etc.) as well as the software and databases present on the Site (hereinafter the ‘Content’) are subject to intellectual and/or industrial property protection. Thus, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual and/or industrial property rights attached to the Website and/or the Content are the exclusive property of Hoostr or of a client or partner who has granted the rights of use to Hoostr. Hoostr and/or the partners do not grant any licence to all or part of the Content or any right other than the right to visit the Website. Therefore, any use, and in particular any reproduction and/or representation, in full or in part, of this Website and/or its Content, by whatever means or process, without the prior written authorization of Hoostr, is prohibited and would constitute forgery, which is punishable under the French Intellectual Property Code. The User acknowledges that any breach of these rights constitutes damage to Hoostr, in particular in terms of harming the image of Hoostr, which would then have grounds to take legal action to claim compensation for any loss resulting from non-compliance with the aforementioned provisions. Attribution: Twemoji graphics made by Twitter and other contributors, licensed under CC-BY 4.0:

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